5 September 2018, Apollo’s 40 UNDER 40 EUROPE 2018 with Michael Armitage by Fatema Ahmed.
2 September 2018, Noted Berlin gallerist Javier Peres talks about his passion for African ethnographic pieces and connections between artists of the past and present by Angela M.H. Schuster.
3 September 2018, Art Basel 2019 will introduce a sliding scale for booth fees, as well as other discounts to ease the burden on young galleries by Tim Schneider.
August 2018, Marthe Van der Wolf spoke to the Vintage Addis Ababa collective, consisting of Philipp Schütz, Wongel Abebe and Nafkot Gebeyehu, about their aim is to preserve fragile historical resources by telling the stories of everyday people from Addis Ababa’s history.
16 August 2018, by ArtAfrica. Prestigious annual FNB Art Prize awarded to Haroon Gunn-Salie.
8 August 2018, Artsy ran two different articles which argued different sides of the debate surrounding Artist Resale Rights.
Resale Royalties Would Hurt Emerging Artists by Christopher Sprigman and Guy Rub and
8 August 2018, Robin Pogrebin looks at how a growing number of museums are addressing diversity with new urgency.
8 August 2018, Nana Oforiatta Ayim writes about ANO, a self-described “Institute of Arts & Knowledge” in Accra, Ghana, that since 2002 has presented exhibitions and educational programs in the city and organized roaming initiatives, including the Mobile Museum Project and The Cultural Encyclopaedia, a collective archive initiative devoted to past and present culture from around the African continent.
7 August 2018, Victoria L. Valentine looks at the most recent addition to the art collection at The Mead Art Museum at Amherst College.